These animated canvases are new works in 2013 by Ira VICARI. They are for collection with limited edition (DVD), for television broadcasting, for film festival and for collaboration with artist of performance, entertainment, theater, etc. To get more information, thanks in advance for your contact to us (7exa.Com). Full animations are available at our office after an appointment.
Ira VICARI, born in 1973 - Contemporary artist of animated pictures
Ira VICARI is an artist born in Rome, studied in the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and ENSAD in Paris. And she lives in France since 1996.
From 1999, she creates film animations ( aaaproduction ) image by image, using watercolors, acrylics, pencil, pastels, etc. Her pictures are considered as motion picture with fine art. Her artistic work has been featured on several film festivals among others.
2013 Micro/2013, projet vidéo avec les musiques de Florent Magère
2011 FLORA, animation, 4’, technique mixte sur papier, vidéo — aaaproduction
2008 ILEROUGE, animation, 3’, technique mixte sur papier, vidéo — aaaproduction participation aux Festivals: La première Journée du Film Bricolé (Billom-63), Festival Rythmetic (Bègles-33), Festival Les Etoiles Filantes (Pessac-33), Projection au Forum des Images
2006 GEOMETRIE, animation, 6’, acrylique sur cellos, 35mm — aaaproduction Participation au Festival: Les instants Vidéo (Martigues), Projection: La Nuit Animée (Varsovie), au cinéma “Le Festival” (Bègles), cinéma “Le Barbizon” (Paris)
2002 DEUX PERSONNAGES, 3’, animation, gouache sur papier, 35mm — aaaproduction Participation aux Festivals: Auch, Aix-les-Bains, Grenoble, PISAF, Expoésie (Périgueux); Projection au cinéma Rex (Brive la Gaillarde), au MAM (Paris), Maison du Cinéma de Téhéran (Iran), Cinéma “La jetée” (Clermont Ferrand); Diffusion “Court Circuit” (Arte)
2001 SOMMEILS, 4’, animation, gouache et pastel sur papier, aaaproduction Participation au festivals de Annecy, I Castelli Animati (Rome)
1999 VOICI DEUX JOURS QU’IL PLEUT, 3’, animation, stylo sur papier, film de fin d’études Participation au festivals: Tréguier, Caen, Valencia, KROK, Court Toujours, Rencontres Paris-Berlin; Projection Animasud (Baillargues)
1996–1999 ENSAD — Paris
1995–1996 IED — Rome
1990–1995 Académie des Beaux Arts — Varsovie